
4 Not-So-Secret Things That Make a Grip6 Belt Work

grip6 product

4 Not-So-Secret Things That Make a Grip6 Belt Work

How does a Grip6 belt work? Well, wonder no more! Here are the four not-so-secret things that make a Grip6 belt work!

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Six Reasons Why Grip6 is the World's Best Belt

Six Reasons Why Grip6 is the World's Best Belt

What’s a Grip6 belt? Definitely the best minimalist belt in the world, if not just the best in the world. Why? Well, I’m glad you asked. Here are the six reasons why: It grips well. A belt’s most basic function is securing your pants. Unlike regular canvass or nylon belts, a Grip6 belt doesn’t loosen on accident. Ever. Its patented design helps it grip tight when you want it to. Once you secure it, not even 2000 lbs of outward force will pry it loose. The grip works so well that they now call it Badger Bite.    Bet your...

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